One of the most important things that you must consider when applying for cannabis business permits is real estate. Having your business located in the right place can make a lot of difference. This is because the city or county you live in has the authority to regulate the activities taking place on your property. If you have a home based business, you will not be allowed to grow more than six plants and that too for personal use. If you want to run a grow operation, then you will have to be situated in an industrial or agricultural land zone.
Cannabis business permits. When you apply for a permit at the local level, the government will want to hear from the public and get their opinion on what they feel. If the comments are positive, then only the government will go ahead to process your local license. Other permits that you will need to obtain before you can start your business is land use and business operator permits. This means that if you have a suitable location, you will not have trouble obtaining those permits.